Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Look!!! Another Scandal

Notice how everything that happens in Washington is a "scandal" unless you really listen to everything they are complaining about and you find out that it is really a  just a "shame."

1. IRS employees in in Cincinnati flagged and scrutinized Tea Party group tax forms. (therefore we must drop all things and impeach the President)
2. Benghazi mistakes were made and in it's aftermath a political response was made that might have affected an election "before" the republicans could make a political response that might have affected an election (therefore we must drop all things and impeach the President)
3. AP phone lines seized (my favorite because what you have to read on to find out is the FBI, in the midst of an terrorist investigation, had a legal subpoena and the AP is calling the subpoena "too broad) (therefore we must drop all things and impeach the President).

Life lesson:
We might not like politics (honestly, I think that it is a game that wastes a whole lot of time) but every time we listen to the angry people in your life who live to complain and undermine everything and never expect them to accomplish anything, then you contribute to your own destruction than they do.