I remember having a conversation with a friend who was highly upset with social programs. She was complaining about the President, Democrats, liberals and basically anything that deviated from her very narrow point of view. She was a republican and she explained how she viewed liberals as weak, unpatriotic tree-hugging, non-Christians who were ruining this country by allowing people to have freedoms that she thought they shouldn't have. Her arguments and her opinion were her own and I did not challenge them because they were silly anyway.
What I did was challenge her with a few facts. She was a housewife with a mentally challenged son. Her family's combined household income was at or below the poverty level. Her husband had spent much of the last year on unemployment. Her son was receiving a disability check and health assistance from the government and since she was not working, she was not paying into social security and medicare that she would one day receive.
I am retired military, work in the nuclear power industry and my salary is in the top 10% of wage earners. I have been married for 29 years to one wife. I am a democrat but do not agree with every democratic idea. I am a Christian who pays the maximum into social security every year and being solidly in the middle class, I get no extra benefits from the government. I don't make enough to get the massive tax cuts and loop holes of the rich but I also make too much to benefit from the tax breaks of the poor.
So, I was really the "conservative" that my friend visualized that she was. The person that she was focusing her anger at was herself. Much of the time, most of the nation is actually arguing with itself about itself. If you were to do basic research and look at who is actually benefiting from social programs you will find that the recipients fall into two categories. Those categories are the poor and the very rich. The money is funneled to the rich directly from the hands of the poor. You can argue that we spend too much on medicare, but you can't do it without acknowledging that medicare recipients are overcharged for services by some very wealthy companies. My father is being charged $6000 a month (standard charge) for a stay in a nursing home and they still bill medicare for his medicine. Since politicians benefit from campaign contributions, they point their fingers only at the poor. It is silly to refer to political affiliation when talking about the poor since they live all over the nation with a majority of funds going to southern states that tend to vote conservative. A large share goes to the poor in urban areas because jobs are leaving the area. Another portion goes to rural areas that never really had jobs in the first place. Another budget that is abused is the defense budget. As a nation we spend more in our defense budget than most of the world combined. The defense budget is a large jobs program which provides jobs in states building military equipment that the military acknowledges that it does not need.
I actually pay attention and think that republicans come up with some good ideas. The problem is they haven't mastered delivering good ideas without imposing their morality on us all and aggressively trying to restrict some one else's civil liberty. I can say the same thing about liberals. It would be nice if we could just drop those words and go back to calling ourselves republican and democrats because most people tend to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal.
What I am talking about is the irony of politics and the fact that people don't understand that they are often arguing about themselves. That is why it is easy for politicians to talk about the need to make cuts and not actually make any. It is a duality that is a waste of time. The lesson that I have learned is prior to entering into a political debate with anyone I should at least find out if we are talking from the same perspective. $100,000 is a huge amount of money for some and a pay cut for others. Two people need to understand how each of them value things before they can get value from a conversation.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Waiting On The Old Church To Die
I grew up in a small town in North Alabama. I was born in
1962 while the civil rights struggle was in full swing. The American civil
rights struggle was born in churches and strengthened by the belief that God is
able to give you strength to endure all injustices while fighting to end them.
My father was a pastor and my mother was full of Faith. Like many families
during hard times, you reach for whatever will sustain you. Church was such a
significant part of my life that everything revolved around the habits and
traditions that were passed down through the generations. Growing up in a small
church gets you so much exposure to what your family and congregation believes
that is it easy lose focus. Additionally when the church gets too personal, the
whole congregation can inadvertently take on an identity that makes it less
effective. I want to give fair warning to anyone reading this post that I am
writing from my own experiences and viewpoint and do not intend to offend and
hope that you respect that my intent to encourage us all to do better.
I was a fairly smart kid. I made great grades with little
effort and was pretty good in seeing the value of things. I was motivated to believe
that God had a plan for me but really didn’t feel that anyone at my church was
talking to me most of the time. The pastor at my church had been there for
decades and had a manner of preaching that was catered to meeting the needs of
the people who came to hear him. He knew that the people who voted him in could
vote him out. Pastors had to have alliances until he had gained enough tenure
to do as he chose. Unfortunately, that empowerment came with an inflexibility.
To make a suggestion was to criticize so most people didn’t make any
suggestions that had a chance of changing the character or nature of the
church. The conventional wisdom is the vision for the church was delivered through
the pastor so people making suggestions were trouble makers. What did that mean
for my church? Simply put, my pastor’s vision was to preach a sermon that would
sustain the collection plate every week and that is what he did. His concern
was making enough money to pay the bills, get paid and leave some money in the “building
fund.” Nothing else really happened.
The identity that smaller churches took on were dictated by
the deacons, elders or ruling families. Being comfortable in leadership was important.
If you had an uneducated leadership team, you typically had an uneducated congregation.
It is hard to maintain customs and traditions when you have someone asking too
many questions. The more educated the
leadership was the more progressive the church tended to be. Most leadership
roles in the church were generational and passed down in families. If you were
to tell someone your last name, people were typically able to tell you what church
that “your people go to.” It was not uncommon to have families split on Sundays
because the husband and wife were from different families that attended
different churches. Rather than pick one, they would just maintain separate
memberships at both so they would not offend either congregation. This was
important because family loyalty was the cornerstone to growth in the church. It
was extremely rare to have a new person or family join the congregation, get
involved and feel welcomed enough to stay.
Rather than having free choice, a child was expected to join
his “family church” and stay there all of his days. The result was rebellion.
In order to have a choice, you had to move. If you lived close enough to your “home
church” you were expected to drive there or explain to both congregations why
you didn’t. A person who left his “home church” needed a letter so that the new
church would not think that you were a troublemaker. The only way you could
comfortably change churches was by marriage or stay away from church long enough
that people forgot where you were supposed to be.
I could see all the
problems that my church had and the ways to fix them but knew that I would be
powerless to change anything unless I stayed at the church and waited on the
older elders and deacons to die and then I might have to ability to make a
suggestion that had a chance of being implemented. The other caveat is I would
have to be willing to fight with all the members who held on to tradition like
it is the unwritten word of God. The evidence that I was not alone in my
feelings is the fact that most children left as soon as they had a choice. If they
moved away from the area and got exposed to more progressive doctrines and more
active congregations they tended to never go back. If they stayed in the area,
they would stay away from the church until they felt comfortable coming back to
play their roles or they waited until old habits and traditions died with the
members who were resisting change.
I left home after high school and went into the military. It
took me years to adjust to churches not like the ones that were in my area
while growing up. Initially, I would find churches that were like my family
church and found that I was not comfortable with them due to the same dynamic
in a different form. Now I was an outsider. Being an outsider was interesting.
You were valuable because people would encourage you to speak up hoping that
you could influence change that they wanted but were afraid to mention. They wanted
to see change without being known as the “instigator” that demanded it. One
pastor made me a deacon fairly early and put me in charge of the projects that
he knew his deacons either didn’t have the technical skills or courage to do. The
disappointing reality is if you take a group of people who have been doing
things the same way for decades and try to institute changes with the same leadership,
there is only a marginal chance that you will be successful. I eventually came
to the conclusion that leadership means everything. If you have a leader, who
is comfortable with things staying just as they are, then he is really not a
leader at all. You can’t win a battle without advancing on an enemy and you can’t
have a victory if you aren’t willing to fight. It is not enough to do what it
takes to maintain when the real mission of the church is to grow.
In the past 30 years, I have lived 7 seven states, visited
10 different countries and enjoyed some manner of religious service in all of
them. I have seen churches in all stages. Some were young vibrant and growing,
others were progressive and distinctive while some were simply dying and
decaying. I remember being a part of congregations that welcomed newcomers and
provided nurturing and growth opportunities for everyone. I also remember enduring
the disappointment of churches that were simply holding on to the past, missing
the opportunity to train and develop its youth while influencing the community
around it. I think those were the saddest of all because I have always been able
to look into the bored, uninterested faces of the young people who were there just
because they had to be. All they were doing was waiting for the old church to
My question to them is a simple one. How much time do you
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Success Among Despair. You Are Not Required To Suffer

In 1950, Poet Gwendolyn Brooks became the first African
American to win the Pulitzer Prize, for her book Annie Allen. Born in Topeka,
Kansas, on June 7, 1917, she moved to Chicago while she was a child. After
writing and publishing many works as a teenager, she became famous for her 1945
collection titled A Street in Bronzeville. In 1950, she became the first
African American to win a Pulitzer Prize, for her book Annie Allen.
Ralph Bunche served in the US War Department, the Office of
Strategic Services, and the State Department during WWII. He also negotiated an
armistice between Palestinians and Jews, for which he won the Nobel Peace
Prize. He worked on atomic energy issues and in the Congo with the UN and set
up a department of political science at Howard University. His Nobel Peace
Prize was the first for an African American. He received it in 1950.
The stories above were selected to illustrate that joy, pain and the relative condition of man is subjective to time and space. While some blacks were dealing with segregation, discrimination and bigotry, others were achieving great things. The ability to achieve was dependent upon opportunity and the ability to ignore or successfully overcome barriers. Depending upon what those barriers were determined your limitations. Children who had to suffer with the inequities of an inferior school system couldn't be expected to achieve as much as children who didn't.
We have a tendency to discount our potential because of someone else is suffering. Everyday is filled with both joy and pain, hope and despair. Just because someone is hurting doesn't mean that you have to be. There are people who have declared that the US is headed in the wrong direction while some people are profiting from it. Ultimately your point of view depends upon what you believe your potential to be.
What is my point? Don't wait on others and don't wait on any conditions in your life to change. Change the the conditions in which you live. Some things are beyond your control but what you perceive your strengths to be is entirely up to you. It is possible to have a joyous life. It is possible to be the oyster that holds the pearl. It is possible to be a Pulitzer Prize winning African American from a city that denies your race a quality education. It is possible to win the Nobel Peace Prize for serving in the same military that was segregated and discriminatory.
All things are possible.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Last Moment Before Dying

Recently a co-worker retired following thirty plus years of service. Like most of us he had spent the last few years managing his 401k, arranging his finances and making plans for a long and enjoyable retirement. Retiring would eliminate the need to drive in to work, the need to work long hours, the stress of working in an environment where errors are not permitted. A couple of weeks ago, he was involved in an automobile accident, miles away from home. The accident was not his fault and he was put in position where there was nothing that he could do to prevent it. The last report that I received is that he is in a hospital away from home with over 20 broken bones. So much damage was done to his body that he was placed in an medically induced coma to allow his body to heal. For weeks his breathing had to be assisted by a machine. When the recovery begins, he will not be able to use his legs for weeks. Knowing a few details, I can make an argument that there are so many things that could have happened to put him in a different place and time which would have helped him avoid the accident. But, he was there and he is fighting to fully recover and he will have to deal with long term consequences that will affect his whole life. We take too much of life for granted and make assumptions that there is an implicate promise that we will grow old, see our children grow up and have a good retirement.
This morning as I was headed to work, I had a quick reminder that our life changing moment is just a reaction away. A couple of miles from my home a car pulled out in front of me. It made a left turn across my lane. I was travelling about 35 miles per hour and was only able to react fast enough to avoid the accident because I saw the car stopped at the entrance of an apartment complex. I was surprised and reacted appropriately. I immediately slammed on my brakes and maintained control of my car as I swerved to the right shoulder. I was fortunate because I was able to miss the car by a matter of inches. The truck that pulled in front of me was a large SUV and I was driving my sports car. The impact would have been on the drivers side of the front end of the car. I would have certainly been seriously injured. I am grateful that I wasn't. After the near miss, I remained stopped by the side on the shoulder of the road.
The other driver stopped also. I pondered getting out of the car but wondered what would have been the point. What would the driver have said? He or she would have likely said "I'm sorry." I would have likely have said "I'm blessed." I realize that some moments are reminders that nothing is promised. We must live every moment like it is our last because it might be. Enjoy the sunshine, love your family and make it a point to stay happy. It just may be your last moment before dying.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Where The Real Threat Lies

They are far less dangerous than people who claim to know God but corrupt the church from within with idleness, false teaching and self serving agendas. They are the real threat.
I remember a sermon which described 4 types of people.
1. People who are saved and know they are saved.
- They have taken the time to study, grow and strive to be obedient. They understand the Word of God and work to spread the joy of the Lord and enhance the Faith. They are confident and comfortable knowing who they are and what they believe in. They are effective witnesses because they are credible witnesses.
- They will be fine because they are aware of salvation and they will eventually have an event in their lives during which they will be introduced to God and will have an opportunity to be saved.
3. People who are saved but don't know that they are saved.
- The path to salvation is simple requiring only confession, faith and a commitment. The path has been complicated by false teachings, guilt and extra requirements imposed to mankind. There are people who after following the path to salvation fell away and don't know that God is kind and merciful and he has never forgotten them. Can you remember when people would stay away from the church simply because they came from the wrong family, social status or just couldn't afford to dress appropriately.
4. People who aren't saved but think that they are saved.
- They are most difficult and self righteous. They have a commitment to their own opinion. They corrupt God's Word with tradition, habit and popular opinion. They came to Christ through false doctrines and continue to perpetuate them. They say the right words but show through their lives that the Word Of God is null in their lives.They know enough of the Bible to condemn others but don't follow enough of it to save themselves. They are so prevalent in the body of Christ that they disrupt the church from within. They have agendas against growth, forgiveness and justice. They are so committed to their own opinion that it would be difficult to convince them of their shortcomings even if they came from Jesus himself.
I have always been intrigued by people who get upset when a person challenges their religious beliefs. The need to be validated by others shows a lack of confidence. That lack of confidence manifests itself in a lack of credibility. If you don't believe in what you are saying, why should anyone else? I think that Christians have little to fear from the atheists outside the church. It has far more to fear from the threat within. To eliminate the threat, challenge doubt among the faithful and express confidence. If we acknowledge who we are and our shortcomings we will deal with the obvious issues that plague the church and help it be the shining beacon that it was commissioned to be.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Who Is FGCU and How Did They Beat Georgetown? And About Kentucky...

There is a lesson in that. Loyalty matters. A team composed of people focused on the success of all can not be beat. There are many examples of teams strategically constructed of superstars who fail because they put their dreams and goals above the team and leadership they are supposed to serve. I learned during my military career that a team made up of goal oriented, success driven team players is hard to beat. Superstars are nice but team wins are much better.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Hey! He Said Cover The Big Guy! When Did I Become "The Big Guy"?

The year was 1983, I had been in the Navy for 3 years. I went directly to the military after high school. I was a decent athlete in high school. I played football and ran track for all four years and ironically, had a weight problem. I couldn't gain weight. I was 5'7 inches tall and weighed 149 lbs when I graduated. I made a $1 bet with a team mate who had a similar issue. We challenged each other to see who could get to 150 lbs first. I was reasonably fit and fast. Leaving high school and exercising in boot camp was no problem. Years after bootcamp was over, I would go for a jog most evenings.
Preceding my epiphany, I had started to modify my routine a little. The change was gradual but very dramatic. Originally I would jog from my barracks room, past the piers to the shipyard, turn left on a side street, go over a block and then job back past McDonald's, to my barracks. It was about 4 miles total. Not having a particular fitness goal, I eventually started treating myself to McDonald's at the end of my run and would just walk back to my barracks room instead of finishing the run. That is when Rome began to crumble.
Because I was stopping at McDonald's instead of running back to my room, I was getting back later. This gave me less time to do the things that I really wanted to do each evening, like look at tv. I eventually convinced myself that if I truly wanted to have more time to enjoy myself, I could just skip out on some of the running. Instead of running 5 days a week, I went to about 5 times a month (maybe) but since I still got hungry, McDonald stayed in the schedule. I would just drive there. Without thinking about the consequences, I went from a reasonable workout routine to a McDonald fat building plan. Mentally, I was just as fit and healthy as I was years before in high school but of course, no one else knew of my past success and exploits. and now I found myself on a basketball court with strangers being refered to as "the big guy".
I don't think that my experience is that unique. Your problem may not be weight but I am sure that you can find some place in your life that you have let things slip because you were holding on to memories of the past and not dealing with things as they are right now. I imagine that it would be cool, if we could bring a movie projector, a resume and witnesses to every interaction that we have with strangers so that they can have the same image of us that we have of ourselves. The tragedy is that life would get a little messy if we had to delay all interactions so that we can all establish which time period in our past that we are speaking from.
My experience gave me an opportunity to do an assessment of my habits and allowed me to be fair to people. It is ridiculous to get offended with people just because you don't understand that they are dealing with you as you are. I have a good friend who attends church regularly and does good things in the community but spends a lot of time on social media insulting others and spreading negativity. When challenged his first thought is that people are attacking him because he is a Christian. He misses the fact that during that moment he is "the big guy" and just can't see it.
The point of this post is kinda simple. Your self image is a hinderance if it is not grounded in reality. We get feedback all the time but have trouble accepting that we might not be the person that we think that we are. The best life and relationships are based on honesty and accepting things as they are. I was losing a battle that I didn't even know that I was fighting. I now fight with weight all the time. I look back and realize that if I had not given ground to bad habits, my battles would have been much easier.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Knowledge Is Cool But Is It Power? Ehhhh???
One of my favorite scenes in Game Of Thrones, is also one of the most descriptive of how life really is. Game of Thrones is a tv series on HBO involving the quest for power among kings, lords and queens. Though the characters and dragons are mythical the lessons about interpersonal relationships is very applicable to life.
In one scene, Little Finger, a lord who operates a brothel challenges the queen with the fact that he knows things that might be embarrassing to her. In an effort to leverage his information to his advantage he whispers in her ear, knowledge is power. The queen took a step back, smiled and commanded the guards to seize him. Within seconds, the guards who had been accompanying the queen, had him restrained. She then commanded them to slit his throat. Each guard drew their blade. One blade was quickly placed at Little Finger's neck. Before the guard could cut his throat, the queen nonchalantly decided that she had changed her mind. She then ordered the guards to let him go, take three steps back, turn around and close their eyes. The guards quickly did what she commanded leaving Little Finger shaken up. The queen casually leaned to Little Finger and whispered, "Power is power."
That exchange provided a quick reality check. We often hear the saying that knowledge is power. It is a cool saying but an idiot with a willingness to work beats a lazy genius on most days. It is a fools errand to leverage knowledge if you are not in a position to make it useful. We have been duped to believe that our opinions matter. While our assessment of things might affect our relationships and choices it is our ability and willingness to create change that matters.
Please don't misinterpret what I am trying to say. I am not trying to shun book learning. I would like to believe that I am an educated man full of wisdom. But, we should use our knowledge to maximize our abilities. Your opinion and knowledge about things have a place but your ability to make things happen is much more relevant.
In one scene, Little Finger, a lord who operates a brothel challenges the queen with the fact that he knows things that might be embarrassing to her. In an effort to leverage his information to his advantage he whispers in her ear, knowledge is power. The queen took a step back, smiled and commanded the guards to seize him. Within seconds, the guards who had been accompanying the queen, had him restrained. She then commanded them to slit his throat. Each guard drew their blade. One blade was quickly placed at Little Finger's neck. Before the guard could cut his throat, the queen nonchalantly decided that she had changed her mind. She then ordered the guards to let him go, take three steps back, turn around and close their eyes. The guards quickly did what she commanded leaving Little Finger shaken up. The queen casually leaned to Little Finger and whispered, "Power is power."
That exchange provided a quick reality check. We often hear the saying that knowledge is power. It is a cool saying but an idiot with a willingness to work beats a lazy genius on most days. It is a fools errand to leverage knowledge if you are not in a position to make it useful. We have been duped to believe that our opinions matter. While our assessment of things might affect our relationships and choices it is our ability and willingness to create change that matters.
Please don't misinterpret what I am trying to say. I am not trying to shun book learning. I would like to believe that I am an educated man full of wisdom. But, we should use our knowledge to maximize our abilities. Your opinion and knowledge about things have a place but your ability to make things happen is much more relevant.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
She Just Used Food Stamps and Got Into A Nice Car!!
Have you ever witnessed a person use food stamps or show that they are using other forms of assistance and then watch them as they leave the store and get into a nice vehicle? Have you ever seen the someone dressed far to nice to be needed use a EBT card and thought how much could the government save if the person wasn't dressed so nice? You are not alone. Even if you haven't seen it yourself, I challenge you to ask the next person that you see if they have. It isn't very hard to find someone that seems to be gaming the system. WHAT IS THEIR PROBLEM???
Sorry I asked the question wrong. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM??? When you think about it there are dozens of answers to the scenario, none of which are any of your business. I will throw out a few:
1. They borrowed the car.
2. They are picking up groceries for an elderly person.
3. They already owned the car when they fell on hard times.
4. They lost their job but still know personal hygiene.
5. They owned the clothes before they fell on hard times.
6. The clothes are borrowed.
The point I am trying to make is simple. It is our biases and frustration that dictate our response. In my initial example, I intentionally provided a scenario that would trigger a stereotype. Stereotypes are simply your biases personified. They reflect your opinion and attitude and can not reliably be interpreted as fact. Worrying about another person's affair only frustrates you and ruins your day. If there is a system there will always be someone abusing it. Life is too short. Don't make their abuse your problem, especially because there may not be a problem at all.
Sorry I asked the question wrong. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM??? When you think about it there are dozens of answers to the scenario, none of which are any of your business. I will throw out a few:
1. They borrowed the car.
2. They are picking up groceries for an elderly person.
3. They already owned the car when they fell on hard times.
4. They lost their job but still know personal hygiene.
5. They owned the clothes before they fell on hard times.
6. The clothes are borrowed.
The point I am trying to make is simple. It is our biases and frustration that dictate our response. In my initial example, I intentionally provided a scenario that would trigger a stereotype. Stereotypes are simply your biases personified. They reflect your opinion and attitude and can not reliably be interpreted as fact. Worrying about another person's affair only frustrates you and ruins your day. If there is a system there will always be someone abusing it. Life is too short. Don't make their abuse your problem, especially because there may not be a problem at all.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Share Cropper Nation
My grandfather was a sharecropper. Sharecropping was more a process than it was a living. It was useful but it was deceptive in that people, in an effort to better themselves, were immersed in a life in which they were trapped and would find it difficult to escape.
Sharecroppers were hired to work a portion of land that was generally apportioned according to the size of his family. The more kids you had, the more land you could work. The land owner provided all that supplies and seed needed to work the land and would even provide help, generally other sharecropper families, when it was time to gather the harvest. After the harvest was sold the majority of the money made went to the land owner while a small portion went to the sharecropper family. The sharecropper would also be allowed to keep a small portion of the crop for himself for personal use. During the off season or winter, the money made from the sale of crops would have to be used to sustain the family along with the generosity of the landowner who would sell them food and other staples on credit, until the debt could be paid. Things were not cheap and it was the cycle of debt that ensured that the landowner would always have workers to enrich himself.
America has become a sharecropper nation. There are very few truly wealthy people. Most people toil for a paycheck under the illusion of riches. Because all the jobs and education levels are not made the same, there is an inherent but irrelevant inequity that exists that only determines how much money passes through your hands before you are buried in debt. The reality is most people will ultimately reach a level of debt that prevents them from having a different or better life just as the sharecroppers did. The sharecroppers were fooled into believing that they gain more status than others because they could work more land but it rarely provided them much more than temporary comforts until it was time for the next crop to be planted and harvested.
My grandfather ultimately paid his debt and broke the cycle. He did it first by realizing that he was stuck in a cycle. Each of us have that same opportunity. The choice is ours.
YOU live the life you choose.
Sharecroppers were hired to work a portion of land that was generally apportioned according to the size of his family. The more kids you had, the more land you could work. The land owner provided all that supplies and seed needed to work the land and would even provide help, generally other sharecropper families, when it was time to gather the harvest. After the harvest was sold the majority of the money made went to the land owner while a small portion went to the sharecropper family. The sharecropper would also be allowed to keep a small portion of the crop for himself for personal use. During the off season or winter, the money made from the sale of crops would have to be used to sustain the family along with the generosity of the landowner who would sell them food and other staples on credit, until the debt could be paid. Things were not cheap and it was the cycle of debt that ensured that the landowner would always have workers to enrich himself.
America has become a sharecropper nation. There are very few truly wealthy people. Most people toil for a paycheck under the illusion of riches. Because all the jobs and education levels are not made the same, there is an inherent but irrelevant inequity that exists that only determines how much money passes through your hands before you are buried in debt. The reality is most people will ultimately reach a level of debt that prevents them from having a different or better life just as the sharecroppers did. The sharecroppers were fooled into believing that they gain more status than others because they could work more land but it rarely provided them much more than temporary comforts until it was time for the next crop to be planted and harvested.
My grandfather ultimately paid his debt and broke the cycle. He did it first by realizing that he was stuck in a cycle. Each of us have that same opportunity. The choice is ours.
YOU live the life you choose.
What Did You Say You Wanted To Hear?
I have been amazed in the growing number of politicians that have been changing their minds on things like gay marriage and citizenship for illegal immigrants. You don't have to be that cynical to realize that they are saying what they need to say to get a few more votes. It has little to do with what they actually believe and everything to do with what they think people want to hear. I don't blame them, in politics and selling cars you take the easiest path to close the deal. What will a little dishonesty hurt?
The problem is us. Because we actively seek out information to validate our biases we are easily manipulated. We don't question people who tell us what we want to hear, even when they have their hands out asking for something as they do it.
The best life is an honest life where we evaluate life as it is, make good decisions and seek honest answers. Seeking intellectual validation from people who are asking for something is like seeking love from a prostitute. You might be stimulated for a minute but you always lose more than you gain.
YOU live the life you choose.
Friday, March 08, 2013
Outlive your season
To everything there is a season. Think about the things that we thought would last forever. Even better, add that to the things that will never really come back to the greatness that they had. Remember Blackberry phones, Myspace, personal websites, American Idol, house flipping, palm pilots, disco, Sarah Palin? One day it will be Facebook and just maybe your point of view.
In our vanity we convince ourselves that we are relevant for more than a moment. By surrounding ourselves with people who tell us what we want to hear, we are convinced that we have a support group that really might not be there. Every kid discovers that after graduating high school. Every leader finds that out with every scandal.
My point? Avoid living a shallow populist life. There is a difference between a mighty oak and a field of corn. There might be a lot more corn but, in a couple of months, only tree is still standing. Without fear it will stand alone.
I like to think that I have been successful by living my life with enough depth, thought and compassion that it has not been necessary to be concerned who agreed with it. Like the mighty oak, my goal is to outlast the changing seasons and live full and effective life of enduring value.
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