Recently a co-worker retired following thirty plus years of service. Like most of us he had spent the last few years managing his 401k, arranging his finances and making plans for a long and enjoyable retirement. Retiring would eliminate the need to drive in to work, the need to work long hours, the stress of working in an environment where errors are not permitted. A couple of weeks ago, he was involved in an automobile accident, miles away from home. The accident was not his fault and he was put in position where there was nothing that he could do to prevent it. The last report that I received is that he is in a hospital away from home with over 20 broken bones. So much damage was done to his body that he was placed in an medically induced coma to allow his body to heal. For weeks his breathing had to be assisted by a machine. When the recovery begins, he will not be able to use his legs for weeks. Knowing a few details, I can make an argument that there are so many things that could have happened to put him in a different place and time which would have helped him avoid the accident. But, he was there and he is fighting to fully recover and he will have to deal with long term consequences that will affect his whole life. We take too much of life for granted and make assumptions that there is an implicate promise that we will grow old, see our children grow up and have a good retirement.
This morning as I was headed to work, I had a quick reminder that our life changing moment is just a reaction away. A couple of miles from my home a car pulled out in front of me. It made a left turn across my lane. I was travelling about 35 miles per hour and was only able to react fast enough to avoid the accident because I saw the car stopped at the entrance of an apartment complex. I was surprised and reacted appropriately. I immediately slammed on my brakes and maintained control of my car as I swerved to the right shoulder. I was fortunate because I was able to miss the car by a matter of inches. The truck that pulled in front of me was a large SUV and I was driving my sports car. The impact would have been on the drivers side of the front end of the car. I would have certainly been seriously injured. I am grateful that I wasn't. After the near miss, I remained stopped by the side on the shoulder of the road.
The other driver stopped also. I pondered getting out of the car but wondered what would have been the point. What would the driver have said? He or she would have likely said "I'm sorry." I would have likely have said "I'm blessed." I realize that some moments are reminders that nothing is promised. We must live every moment like it is our last because it might be. Enjoy the sunshine, love your family and make it a point to stay happy. It just may be your last moment before dying.
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