Saturday, April 20, 2013

Your Calling and Your Destiny

I have always believed that we all have a calling and a destiny. I think that I have been pretty good at pursuing mine. I am working on my second career, faithful to my family and pursing my talents and passions in my spare time. I am a giver in spirit and believe in that we honor God by showing successes every now and then. 

Unfortunately, I think that far too many people waste a lot of time accomplishing nothing. There is more to a Christ-centered life than just going to church. Encourage your church to do something. There is more to communication with God than just praying. Supplement your prayers with a spirit that show that your prayers get answered. I would encourage you to find your passion and do it. Life is too short and your calling is important.

If God allowed his chosen people to die in their desert, you can surely perish in yours.


Scott Floyd said...

Thanks Chuck. God knows I try . . . But do I really? I have to remind myself daily to make an effort to live like Christ. I find myself almost daily forgiving others who have hurt myself and my wife. I do struggle to let some things go.

Someday I may tell you about the family I married into. Let's just say I married into a 'Coen Brothers' movie and my wife's sisters have done her wrong. We both are struggling to forgive them. but it's not from lack of trying.

Charles (Chuck) Clemons said...

Scot, I look forward to hearing your story. As for you having to remind yourself. You are not unlike Paul. He said " I die daily.".

I think that we all do.